
Why Libs Hate Labels

Libs hate labels because the Lib label is associated with failure. It used to be cool, now that it's not they run from it.
But hey, they'll use neocon liberally.
Actually, tt(?), that's total ****ola! You use your political labeling very liberally
There are a lot of liberals here, so the "very liberally" application to the term liberal is correct. And accurate. If you support liberal programs, views on national security, intrusions and liberal legislation, what are you other than a liberal? Be proud, stand up, be counted.

If you actually listened to half the people you call libbielefists, you'd see that "one size" just doesn't fit all...or even many.
Dogs come in all shapes and sizes; you may want to have the breed specified, but there is no need to go into that much detail. Dogs are dogs, cats are cats, conservatives are conservatives, and liberals are liberals. There aren't many here on both sides of the fence; a couple, but only a couple as far as I can tell.

You have shown me how incredibly ignorant it is.
Labels aren't about ignorance; just the opposite. If it quacks and waddles it's most likely a duck. There is a lot of quaking and waddling here. That's fine, don't be ashamed of it.

Cheney? The guy is brilliant. We need more men like him; not the finger in the wind, where does the wind blow today politicians. Let's have people stand up and say what they mean. He does. Most liberals don't. They connive about who they are, and as Hillary, a liberal if there ever was one, just illustrated, she has to run from the liberal term and adopt one of the code words; "progressive". Doing exactly what George Clooney condemned; being spineless about being identified as a liberal.