"a troll is someone who intentionally posts derogatory or otherwise inflammatory messages about sensitive topics in an established online community" - courtesy wikipedia |
Well that really clears things up. What is derogatory to one is not to another. What is sensitive to one, is worth exploring to another. Are not all posts intentional?
All this zimmer talk has me wondering; was zimmer a troll or someone who brought up topics to debate? Did zimmer use derogatory language? Did zimmer require sensitivity training and if so of what kind, and why? If he or she qualified for all these troll type aspects, could they also be turned on others here? Those 180 degrees from zimmer's views? And if not, why not? Did zimmer do anything as tasteless (my definition; perhaps qualifying under "intentionally posts derogatory or otherwise inflammatory posts about sensitive topics..." wikipedia's troll definition) as posting the lists of dead soldiers on this site? If so, what was it? Just one simple example so I and everyone here knows where the line is.
I don't know if zimmer is still here, but people speak of him or her being resurrected. If zimmer was banished, can anyone say why? SweetBaby 5-Star J? You seem to know all, how about a crack at it?