
A Moment of Sanity to End the Year

Hal should post more often. I understand why he doesn't.

From the thread George "Doesn't Play Well With Others", comes one of those rare moments of lucidity, brevity, and sanity:
Hiya guys,

Can a conservative patriot get into this little discussion? We conservatives are the silent majority, but we tend to speak up when certain issues are overlooked and the country (as in the media) gets carried a little too far to the left.

Yes, you are right in saying that the war in Iraq has gone a little sour. But that's the way of all conflicts when your are dealing with different ideologies. If Roosevelt had listened to all of his opponents, we would probably be doing the goose step in New York City. If Lincoln hadn't taken the leadership of the Union army away from George B. McClellan and given it to Grant, we would probably have two or three different countries between Canada and Mexico.

There have been different opinions in every conflict since Cain slew his brother Abel but I try to concentrate on right and wrong rather than right and left. It was wrong for a family to rule a country by slaughtering their people, it was wrong for that same family to threaten their neighbors with wars, it was wrong for a whole country to live in fear from this same evil family, fear of rape and death ruled this country where we are trying to replace it with freedom and a Democracy. All one has to do is check out the mass graveyards in Iraq to decide who were the victims. If the world had stood up to the troublemakers before the second World War started, maybe there would have been 57 million lives saved. How many Mozarts, Einsteins, Michaelangelos and just plain nice people were snuffed out before their God given tasks and lives had been fullfilled.

The American President's most important job is to see that the American people can live in peace and harmony and to do that he must prevent any foriegn intrusion into that arena. We were attacked in 2001 which started this whole mess. Lets remember try to put the blame where it belongs and try not to criticize those elected officials who are trying to do their job. Peace at any cost doesn't work with terrorists who's aim in life is to kill you.

Post #11