
Maryrose Taken to the Intellectual Woodshed for Another Good Thrashing

Honey, your ass must be really sore after this one...LOL:

Originally Posted by maryrose
This guy is smart...and he is a political shill, willing to use any means to "destroy" the opposition. [/b]

This is about as close as it comes to 'fighting words' for me. You must not have read much by him to come to this conclusion. If there was a by word for 'well researched' and well considered, it would be Sowell's last name.

I've read many of his books.. to me this guy is an intellectual giant (and VERY well studied in Economics and History, two subjects which I'm have a deep interest in).

Ad hominum arguments don't suit you mary. 'Shill'? Hardly. This will have to be proven to me with very specific examples.. I'm VERY familiar with his work.. have at it . Interesting how you take a hit piece against a conservative as proof that he is defending his 'cronies'. He must have known as well as anyone that McCain would very likely get the nomination.. if that is so, why shoot himself and the Republican party in the foot? Integrity would be the answer there. His readers expect honesty, that is all. You'll have to come up with something a tad more complicated than that.

And so what if he is to the right of center (and note his beliefs are Libertarian, not Conservative)? Is that a crime (to read your response, it would seem so, but I've never thought either side was all bad or all good!)??

I'm frequently astounded at how if a source's politics are conservative, it automatically makes all their motivations suspect. That there is no further attempt to understand and think through the implications of such statements. If this were Limbaugh, you'd have me agreeing with you.. he is fond of hypebole and takes positions which sometimes don't make a lot of sense. Sowell's positions are very consistent and very supported. After reading him for 30 years, I've come to expect the highest quality from him, and to date I've never been dissappointed.

Post #27
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