
SweetBJ Finally Admits Her Ignorance

Post #83

Canada's program, which I admit to not having a thorough understanding of...

From what I can tell, Canada's *government* doesn't get involved in healthcare issues, they just handle the money. It'd be nice if our government could do the same thing.

Another admission of being a hardcore lib. Government should handle our money (manage our lives)... but it gets better:

After years of being an unapologetic aggressive mouthpiece for socialized medicine, this is an amazing admission. One drink too many? Eating your pastels?

Psssssssssst. Read the below BJ.

One Supreme Court decision may have done more to change health care in Canada than three major reports and a first ministers conference that ended with a $41-billion infusion into the system.

On June 9, 2005, the (Kanuckistan Supreme) court struck down a Quebec law that prohibited people from buying private health insurance to cover procedures already offered by the public system.

"Access to a waiting list is not access to health care," two of the justices wrote in their decision.

The ruling has impact only on Quebec,...

No BJ, the government monopoly only handles the money, rations care, tells you what you can and cannot have. No involvement there...
