And people wonder why we laugh at them.
1. He lied us into war in Iraq. According to the U.S. media-ignored British "Downing Street Memo," he "fixed" intelligence around a pre-determined policy of preemptive war. Results: 100,000 Iraqi civilian deaths; about 1800 U.S. soldiers dead in two wars, 100s of thousands wounded and traumatized.
(No lie. It was a "slam dunk"...remember? There have been panels on both sides of the atlantic... The BBC had their chiefs lose their jobs because they sexed up the news. Our allies had the same intel. Bill Clinton was on record saying what Bush said. Hillary spoke out about it too.)
2. Under his watch, the U.S. suffered its worst terrorist attack on its soil. He opposed an official investigation, then stalled for months on testifying before a hand-picked committee. Finally testified behind closed doors.
(For years Bill Clinton neglected the threat of terrorism. Attack after attack was met with laughable responses. The latter part of pt. 2 is not impeachable.)
3. He was "elected" under dubious circumstances in 2000.
(The Supreme Court of Florida went beyond its authority and created law. The Supreme Court of the US spanked them for it. Major news networks spent months doing recounts; the result? Bush won in 2000. Of course this news never got to the deaf, dumb and blind libs.)
4. He was "elected" under dubious circumstances in 2004.
(Yes, that's why there was amazing press coverage of this story in the liberal media. LOL :O
5. He has approved (and his Attorney General Gonzales has re-defined) torture at Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, Bagram and elsewhere, while simultaneously opposing the International Criminal Court established to check such abuses. According to Amnesty International, the United States has established a Soviet-style "gulag" of torture around the world.
(Proof? We are a sovereign country. We have our own courts. We do no and should not let foreign courts take over our system of justice.)
6. He failed to support the Kyoto Protocols, reducing greenhouse gases, but worked to open up Alaska's ANWR to drilling-despoiling an eco-system and increasing greenhouse gases.
(LOL :O During Clinton's reign it wasn't brought up for a vote. Why? It wouldn't have received one vote in the Senate.)
7. He chose Halliburton toady Dick Cheney to be his running mate-twice.
(You've taken one toke too many.)
8. He has attempted to pack the courts with ideologue-judges intent on overthrowing Roe v. Wade, and institutionalizing the police-state abuses of Patriot Acts I and II.
(Proof you've taken one toke too many. If you want to understand presidential power influencing and packing courts, look back to Roosevelt. Elections are won and the president has the power to nominate his own justices. Hence you get Clinton nominating Ginsberg; a political activist in a robe.)
9.His "No Child Left Behind" education policies have replaced learning with testing and allowed military recruiters access to our schools, cajoling our children with military options before their minds have had a chance to open, question and challenge.
(This is impeachable? OK, in a lib's mind.)
10.He is attempting to dismantle the Social Security system that has ensured "peace and freedom" for tens of millions of working Americans for seven decades ("peace" of mind and "freedom" from economic crises)-- rights hard-won by Labor and Progressives in decades-long struggles.
(Just Say No. Social Security is a Ponzi Scheme. It's not going to ensure anything if it isn't "fixed".
PS. Bush wanted to let people use a small portion of their (MONEY) social security payments and do with it what they pleased.)